Bereavement support in a hospice setting

The role of a bereavement information evening


  • Amanda Roberts
  • Sinead McGilloway


Bereavement support, information, hospice, drop-in, tiered model



Little attention has been paid to documenting the quality and effectiveness of hospice bereavement support programmes. This article reports findings from an evaluation of a bereavement information evening (BIE) that forms a part of the adult bereavement support service provided by a large hospice in Dublin. The findings indicate the usefulness of the BIE in providing mid-level support for people who may need more than an information leaflet but may not require more intensive one-to-one support, while also acting as a ‘gateway’ to more intensive bereavement services for those who find it difficult to ask for help. However, measures may need to be put in place to ensure those who are unable or do not wish to attend these kinds of events also receive information about the bereavement process. The data may also be useful to hospice bereavement support services in deciding how best to meet clients' varying levels of need.


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