Journals in the field of death studies and bereavement. Where does Bereavement Care fit in?


  • Denise Brady



As this issue celebrates 60 years since the founding of Cruse, it is timely to review Bereavement Care, an important element in the development of the organisation, in the context of other journals with similar aims. The background to the publication of Bereavement Care will be presented together with journals that contain a similar subject coverage. The way the journals are organised will be briefly explored as well as some of their most cited and the most-read papers. Commentary on the latest issue of these journals will be provided along with reflection on other sources of bereavement literature. Some suggestions for future topics are also included.


Ahmadi, A., Ahmadi, F., Erbil, P., & Centrez, O. (2019). Religious meaning-making coping in Turkey: A study among cancer patients. Illness, Crisis and Loss, 27(3), 190–208. doi: 10.1177/1054137316672042

Ammann, E., Rauber, G., & Gross, C. (2019). ‘Doing death’ the Mediterranean way: End-of-life in a segregated nursing home. Mortality, 24(3), 271–289. doi: 10.1080/13576275.2018.1483906

BMJ (2019). Impact factor. [Online]. Retrieved from [accessed 20 June 2019].

Boelen, P. A., Manik, A. A. A., Djelantik, J., de Keijser, J., Lonneke, I., Lenferink, M., & Smid, G. E. (2019). Further validation of the Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report (TGI-SR): A measure of persistent complex bereavement disorder and prolonged grief disorder. Death Studies, 43(6), 351–364. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2018.1480546

Bokek-Cohen, Y., & Ravitsky, V. (2019). Soldiers’ preferences regarding sperm preservation, posthumous reproduction, and attributes of a potential ‘posthumous mother’. Omega, 79(2), 132–156. doi: 10.1177/0030222817725179

Brinkmann, S. (2019). The body in grief. Mortality, 24(3), 290–303. doi: 10.1080/13576275.2017.1413545

Borgstrom, E., & Ellis, J. (2017). Introduction: Researching death, dying and bereavement. Mortality, 22(2), 93–104. doi: 10.1080/13576275.2017.1291600

Cartwright, A. (1982). The elderly bereaved and their supporters. Bereavement Care, 1(3), 20–22. doi: 10.1080/02682628208657061

Cartwright, P. (2019). How helpful is counselling for people bereaved through a substance-related death? Bereavement Care, 38(1), 23–32. doi: 10.1080/02682621.2019.1587869

Doka, K. (1999). Disenfranchised grief. Mortality, 18(3), 37–39.

Doka, K. (2015). Hannelore Wass: Death education: An enduring legacy. Death Studies, 39(9), 545–548. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2015.1079452

Fulton, R. (1970). Book review. On death and dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Omega, 1(1), 86–87.

Gilmour, J. (2019). Grieving, bodily. Bereavement Care, 38(1), 3–5. doi: 10.1080/02682621.2019.1587851

Hall, C. (2014). Bereavement theory: Recent developments in our understanding of grief and bereavement. Bereavement Care, 33(1), 7–12. doi: 10.1080/02682621.2014.902610

Harvey, J. (1996). Editorial and commentary. On creating the journal of personal and interpersonal loss and the nature of loss. Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 1(1), iii–ix. doi: 10.1080/15325029608415453

Howarth, G., & Jupp, P. (1996). Editorial. Mortality, 1(1), 5–6. doi: 10.1080/713685828

Hunt, J. (2004). Sole survivor: A case study to evaluate the dual-process model of grief in multiple loss. Illness, Crisis and Loss, 12(4), 284–298. doi: 10.1177/1054137304268336

Jurecic, A., Stroebe, M., Schut, H. A. W., & Boerner, K. (2017). Correspondence and comments—cautioning health-care professionals: Bereaved persons are misguided through the stages of grief. (Omega – Journal of Death and Dying (74.4). Omega, 75(1), 92–94. doi: 10.1177/0030222817701499

Kalish, R. (2004). Welcome to Omega. Omega, 1(1), 1–2.

Kasket, E. (2012). Continuing bonds in the age of social networking: Facebook as a modern-day medium. Bereavement Care, 31(2), 62–69. doi: 10.1080/02682621.2012.710493

Le Shan, L. (1970). Assumptions about war and the nature of man. Omega, 1(1), 17–21. doi: 10.2190/WAUP-4D6E-R4LL-3VRX

NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2019). Health care databases advanced search. Retrieved from [accessed 25 May 2019].

Oexle, N., Herrmann, K., Stairer, K., Sheehan, L., Rüsch, N., & Krumm, S. (2019). Stigma and suicidality among suicide attempt survivors: A qualitative study. Death Studies, 43(6), 381–388. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2018.1474286

Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine (2019). Levels of evidence. Retrieved from [accessed 3 July 2019].

Prigerson, H. (2004). Complicated grief. When the path of adjustment leads to a dead-end. Bereavement Care, 23(3), 38–40. doi: 10.1080/02682620408657612

ResearchGate. (2019). [Online]. [accessed 20 June 2019].

Ribbens McCarthy, J. (2019). Editorial. Bereavement Care, 38(1), 3–5. doi: 10.1080/02682621.2019.1598116

Rolls, L. (2010). Narrating time: Minimising the disruption and discontinuities of children's experience of death. Illness, Crisis and Loss, 18(4), 323–339. doi: 10.2190/IL.18.4.c

Springer (2019). Editorial boards. [Online]. [accessed 14 June 2019].

Stroebe, M., & Schut, H. (1999). The dual process model of coping with bereavement: Rationale and description. Death Studies, 23(3), 197–224. doi: 10.1080/074811899201046

Stroebe, M., Schut, H., & Boerner, K. (2017). Cautioning health-care professionals: Bereaved persons are misguided through the stages of grief. Omega, 74(4), 455–473. doi: 10.1177/0030222817691870

Thompson, M. R., Whiteman, A. D., Loucks, K. D., & Daudt, H. M. L. (2017). Complicated grief in Canada: Exploring the client and professional landscape. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22(7), 577–598. doi: 10.1080/15325024.2017.1358574

Walter, T. (1996). A new model of grief: Bereavement and biography. Mortality, 1(1), 7–25. doi: 10.1080/713685822

Wass, H. (1977). From the editor. Death Education, 1(1), 1–3. doi: 10.1080/07481187708252873

Yildiz, M., Orak, U., Walker, M., & Solakoglu, O. (2019). Suicide contagion, gender, and suicide attempts among adolescents. Death Studies, 43(6), 365–371. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2018.1478914





